Friday, November 03, 2006


Welcome to the Open House "A Comfortable Home"!! I'm Ms. Suzy and I'll be your most hospitable host!

First, let me tell you about me! I'm a twenty-four year old stay-at-home mom. I have two young children and have been with my husband for almost 5 years. When he and I were first together, I knew very little about taking care of a home. I would clean our bathroom about every 2 months. And our kitchen floor? Well I honestly can say I only mopped it 3 times in our first year together. Gross, I know. But this is a very real problem for many woman. Housekeeping is not something that comes naturally for everyone!

After having our first child(almost 3 years ago!) I set out to find a way to keep our house looking like a comforatable home. I knew that since I was not returning to work, I was becoming a housewife. And in my mind I pictured all of the great housewives from beloved tv shows like "Father Knows Best" and "Leave It To Beaver". I wanted to be those women!! Heck, even "Roseanne's" house was cleaner than mine! Unfortunantly, they were television actors and that form of perfectionism is not totally achievable. But I was determined to try.

So far so good. My home is always clean. As close to spotless as I can get it. Laundry is always caught up and put in the right drawers, dishes stay washed and in their cupboards. There's always food in the fridge and meals planned. Very seldom do we have takeout, and when we do it's as a treat, not because it's the only option there is. And, my husband leaves for work everyday with a homemade lunch in hand. I do all of this on my own. Very seldom do I get any help. Occasionally, my husband will do a load of laundry or will sweep the kitchen floor, but that his a very seldom thing. In fact this past weekend he actually asked me where I kept the broom!

I know some of you are probably thinking that I'm crazy and I should make him help and what kind of woman am I for promoting this way of thinking. But I think the majority of you are going to applaud this website and find it a very informative and fun place to be.

This Open House is going to be set up in 3 posts. This one being the first. This is just my way of saying HELLO and giving you my background and vision. The next post will be the outline of what I'm going to do here. And the final post will be where all of the fun is at! There will be snacks and a contest going on during the Open House.

So, read on and add me to your blogrolls! This is going to be great for us all. I get the satisfaction of helping others who, like me, feel discouraged and helpless when it comes to taking care of their homes. And you get some great tips and lots of fun! Plus, the community this site will hopefully build is going to be good for us all!

Ready to sweep away all of your cobwebs,
Ms. Suzy


Daisy Mae said...

How exciting!!! I can see right now that this is going to be one of my fav sites.

Valerie said...

ohhh I love it already! I can't wait to see everything this blog is going to become and of course I am adding you to my blog roll.

Erin said...

Well Ms. Suzy, this is a side of you I didn't expect ;) It is an awesome site!! I've added, and of course I'll come back, I need all the help with my home as I can get, lol.