Monday, November 06, 2006

Weekend Recovery

Good Monday Morning! Well... the Open House did not turn out as expected, but that's okay!! I have selected a "winner" and will contact them through email about writing a guest post!

My weekend was very hectic! Saturday was my husband's birthday, but before I could focus on that, I had to take my son to a friend's birthday party. It was a Dora Adventure for a group of about ten 3 year olds. Very fun, but even more exhausting!! We finally returned home around 4 and I was all set to make my husband's favorite meal for his birthday dinner. Only to find out that 2 of my 3 step kids were coming for the night and that set a whole new set of chaos my way! I did not have enough to feed them! So, although I was upset,I changed the menu , and it ended up turning out alright! My husband had something else that he loves and was able to open his presents and relax.

How was your weekend?

Now let me give you a quick rundown of our weekend recovery so you can get moving on that!! Believe me, once it's done, you will be completely relieved!

1. Read the "Chore List" on the sidebar. Write it down so you don't forget anything and get moving on that. Remember that the chore list is an ongoing list for the whole day. As you see things around your house that need attention (a splash of a spilled drink on the table, a dirty snack bowl, lint on the floor...) tend to it right away, that's the key to keeping your home comfortable!

2. If you haven't started laundry yet. DO IT NOW!! That always seems to be my pitfall at the end of the weekend. I'm way behind on the laundry. It's chore numero uno today!

3. Take some all-purpose cleaner and spray down all of the surfaces in your bathroom(s) and wipe them down. Just a quick wipe will get things looking great!

4. Vacuum. Again, just a quick sweep with the vacuum will get your house feeling extra comfortable this morning! You should only have to do this quick vacuum once/week. Don't get super stressed about it because on Friday we will do a more thorough run of it. Throughout the week, don't pull your vacuum out every day. If there's a big thread or piece of lint, just pick it up. Save that vacuum in case of a major mess!

5. Take all your small rugs outside and give them a quick shake. Dont vacuum or wash!

6. Sweep up all debris from linoleum or tile floors. Do a thorough sweep. During the remainder of the week just "spot sweep".

7. Wash your children's bedding. Wash any bedding used by guests over the weekend.

8. One final thing and we're done! If you pulled out any games, puzzles or projects over the down time of the weekend. Get all of those things put back in their proper places. That way nothing will be lost or messed up and they'll be waiting for you the next chance you get!

Please, please don't get overwhelmed! I know that this is alot and I dont expect you to do it all just starting out. Please take your time and if you need any encouragment, email me. You'll find my email address listed in the sidebar under "Doorbell".

How much did you get accomplished today?

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Well I didn't do any laundry but I did sweep my kitchen and bath as well as cleaned the whole bathroom and changed the sheets on my bed. Pretty good for one day.