Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thanksgiving Countdown: Crafts!

Preparing for Thanksgiving is such a huge, time-consuming thing if you're the one hosting! But for those of you who are either WAY on top of your game and have some extra time, or for those of you who are going to be a guest instead of a host. Here is a link to some great Thanksgiving crafts you can do with your kids over the next couple of days!

Again, because it is our Thanksgiving Countdown, let me tell you what I'll be doing today. Since I'm hosting I want my bathrooms to be nice and clean for my guests. If you've been following this blog, you'll know that that bathrooms get a quick wipe down on Monday's and a thourough cleaning on Friday's. But, due to company, I really want them shining! So today, I'll take down valances to wash, along with bathrugs and handtowels (even if it's just a guest bathroom and no one ever uses it! Get those linens clean because they'll be used Thursday! All surfaces will be thouroughly cleaned, and the new boxes of Christmas tissues will be set out! After all, Thanksgiving is the real kick off to the Christmas season!

After the bathrooms are cleaned, I am planning on cleaning out my kids' toy room. It needs it, and it's not a bad idea to get some things cleared out before Santa hit's our streets! But for those of you at your homes, this is not an important Thanksgiving chore, so if you are lacking in time, please leave this for now. It does need done before Christmas, but it is not imparative that it gets done today!

As for holiday cooking, my cranberries are nicely chilled in the fridge, and there is nothing that needs done today. I finished my holiday shopping yesterday and am ready (in that aspect) for Turkey Day! Are you?

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