Thursday, November 16, 2006

Clip Some More!

Any of you who were interested in last Thursday's post about coupon clipping and saving will want to check out this weeks link. Not every Thursday is going to be about *how* to clip coupons and save money using them. I wish I could help you more with that subject, but I'm just teaching myself. I will usually only lead you in the direction of great offers. But this week, I wanted to expand on last week's post so I decided to share with you the resource I'm planning on using to teach myself about coupon saving and organization.

Here it is, Check it out!

I'd love to hear your own ideas and experiences about coupons, so send them my way!

Remember, today is shopping day, so get out there and get those groceries and home staples bought! Just dont get sidetracked off of your list, it's so easy to break budget that way!!

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